PERTH (WA) Breeder of quality DWARF LOP RABBITS

Rabbits Terms 


BIS ~ Best In Show- the rabbit of any breed judged to be best at a show.

BOB ~ Best Of Breed- judged to be the best rabbit of that breed.

Buck ~ Male rabbit.

Cage ~ Could be made of wire, plastic or wood to house a rabbit.

Crown ~ The part of a rabbits head between the ears and behind the brow.

Dam ~ Female rabbit that produced an offspring, a rabbit's dam is its mother.

Doe ~ Female rabbit.

DQ ~ Disqualification from showing. DQ's could be either for weight of the breed standard (under or over the min or max ), missing toe, malocclusion, non showable colour or temporary illness.

Open Coat ~ fur that is beginning to lose texture and lusture and is nearly ready to molt.

Palpation ~ feeling a rabbit uterus through gentle pushing of her abdomen to determine the presence or absence of unborn babies.

Peanut ~ A baby rabbit with the double dwarf gene, which is usually considered a fatal combination, they usually die.

Rabbitry ~ Where you house your rabbits.

Sire ~ Male rabbit that produced offspring. A rabbit's sire is it's father.

Show Coat ~ Refers to a rabbit who's coat is finished molting and in it's best quality fur condition. (may also refer to the long white coat worn by some rabbit breeders or judges at shows).

Enteritis ~ Upset of the digestive system characterized by diarrihea and bough on by stress, excessive carbohydrate, moldy food, lack of water and / or weaning.

Full Coat ~ A rabbit has completed molting and is now in afull new coat without molting patches or fur loss. Sometimes referred to as 'Show Coat' meaning a rabbit's best possible coat/ fur condition.

Gestation ~ Period of time between breeding and kindling (giving birth).

Junior ~ Rabbits under 6 months.

Kindling ~ The mother rabbit giving birth to her babies, or kits.

Kindling Box ~ A box, sometimes made of wood or metal?plastic. Given to the doe to make a nest and have babies in. More commonly called a nest box.

Kit ~ Baby rabbit.

Malocclusion ~ The misalignment of teeth or buck teeth, most often where the bottom teeth inciors lap over the top centre incisors, instead of the top lapping over the bottom , which is correct.

Mating ~ Breeding a male and female rabbit together.

Molting ~ Refers to a rabbit shedding it's coat and then regaining new fur in the spots it's molted or loss fur.

Nest Box ~ A box provided to does so that she can make a nest and have babies in.

Trio ~ Two does and a buck.

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